by Mary Ann Lambert, North Marion Precinct Captain Lead

North Marion Dems go to Tallahassee

What an adventure seven of us had in Tallahassee on February 8th for Marion County Day. As Maggie Kotuk says: “It was a surreal, Barbie moment”.

Our pre-visit research into bills filed for the 2024 Legislative session provided eye-openers. Of HB 1519, the Total Abortion Ban bill, Maggie said: “I read it 4 times because I couldn’t believe that humans could be so despicable.The bill gives a “fertilized egg more rights than a woman”.

The highlight was our meeting with House Rep. Yvonne Hinson (Dem), District 21. The lowlight was our meeting with Senator Keith Perry,(Rep) District 9. Both are our legislators.

The conclusion we are left with is: BE AFRAID—then VOTE, it’s our only POWER.

It is time to get out and visit our neighbor Democrats to be sure they are re-registered to Vote-by-Mail and will help us spread the word of the critical need to vote.