Since 1989 and the end of Communism and the Cold War, 49 million jobs have been created in America over 18 plus years of Democratic Presidencies and 16 years of Republican Presidencies. Of the 49 million jobs created, 47 million or 96% have been created under Democratic Presidents.

Republican economic policies are a failure. The last three Republican Presidents brought recessions, two of the most severe in our modern history, and added to the deficit in record numbers.

In stark contrast, Democratic policies keep succeeding, bringing growth, higher wages and lowering deficits.

Only one of the two major political parties have been good at Capitalism. It’s not even close. Slide through our gallery and take a look at the numbers…

Want to keep abreast of how Democrats are doing on the economic front? Do you like data instead of opinion? Follow Simon Rosenberg on Substack at the Hopium Chronicles! An 30-year veteran of U.S. politics, Simon was the President of NDN/New Policy Institute, and he is a graduate of Tufts University, a Henry Crown Fellow at the Aspen Institute, a member of the U.S. State Department’s Advisory Committee on International Information and Communications Policy, and an advisory board member of the Open Source Elections Technology Nanomix, Discourse Intelligence, and the DCCC. He is one of the only strategists that correctly predicted the “blue wave” during the 2022 election cycle.